Chef Gerd Hagele
Gerd Hagele
Even as a small child, his favourite place was in the kitchen with his mother at the cooking pots. As a teenager, Gerd had a taste of other professions – but in the end he ended up becoming a chef.
Gerd gets the energy for his job from nature. In the mountains. By streams. That’s where he spends his free time. Lingering by a stream for a minute and simply listening. That one minute brings so much. For Gerd, this is a special kind of meditation.
One of his passions – after his family, of course 😉 – is nature photography and producing 30-second videos. Here, too, the forest offers an almost inexhaustible spectrum.
You might well bump into Gerd in the dark forest on the way home at night – sitting in the back of his pick-up, camera in hand and the moon in front of the lens.
What does happiness mean to you, Gerd?
For me, happiness is knowing that regional producers are close by. And I’m always looking for more. These are my favourite foods. Without long journeys. With added value in the region. With appreciation in my heart.
There’s no need to talk about his “no waste” philosophy – his top priority is to maximise the use of food in his kitchen and minimise waste.
Gerd Hagele
It’s a pleasure to work with good, regional food. I know where they come from. I know the people who have the same understanding of quality as I do. Be it “Goggala” Florian or “Yoghurt” Gabriel, for example.
Gerd's private paradise
A hobby he shares with his wife is his own vegetable and herb garden. A paradise for all the senses – seeing, hearing, tasting and smelling.
And so is his cooking. Full of flavour! With the freshest ingredients. Colourful, varied and mindful. Gerd loves to cook with whatever is in season. This is particularly evident in the “Grüne Haube” menus. Much of it organic and regional. With courage and a wink. Creative and anything but staid.
Gerd loves to surprise all his guests with his craftsmanship – the way he brings the dishes to the plate, his special, flavoursome creations – every day anew!