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Chesa Monte
Hotel offers and deals for your holidays in Tyrol

Your Chesa Monte holiday is within reach. Browse through our packages. Read about our inclusive services, travel conditions and the most frequently asked questions. Use our booking and enquiry tool or order a voucher to give as a gift.

We look forward to seeing you at the Hotel Chesa Monte in Fiss!




price guarantee

The prices shown on our homepage are “from prices” per person and night and include a range of inclusive services. They correspond to the cheapest season.

It’s worth booking early! Depending on the booking situation, time of booking and length of stay as well as the season, prices may increase. Make sure you get the best price with your early booking!

For the daily updated offers, please contact our reservations, +43 5476 6406 or check availability online.


Paket Kategorie-mobile
15/03/25 20/04/25

Happy family time

from 400.00

15/02/25 08/03/25

February, holidays, carnival …

from 1,400.00

02/02/25 02/03/25

Kids on Ski

from 0.00

23/03/25 05/04/25

Skiing month March 3 +1 free night

from 222.00

05/04/25 20/04/25

ALL INKLUSIVE winter 2025

from 195.00

19/06/25 22/06/25

Yogaretreat 2.0

from 155.00

14/06/25 19/10/25

Hiking weeks for singles

from 1,150.00

20/09/25 19/10/25

Autumn cuddles in love

from 190.00

14/06/25 19/10/25

Mountainous family time

from 340.00

Sidebar 1
